On Monday we hit the road for the long ride home. All 490 miles of it in one day. I was a little nervous how Etta would do because she was kind of restless on Thursday and Friday when we made the drive over. In two days. Two much shorter days.
Hangin' mostly naked while mommy gets stuff ready to go.
We got on the road at about 9:30 MST (8:30 PST). Testing out the time lapse on the camera. I forgot the tripod attachment so of course the camera focused on the tiny sliver of car it was set on...

Very windy and brisk - therefor quick - stop at the top of Roger's Pass

Our own pic on the carving at High Country

Touch the beard - like on Gramps!

And after worrying so much, this is how she spent most of the trip. Didn't even empty her toy bag every. single. time. that I filled it.

We stopped in St. Maries for a nice long break and Etta got to meet her...let's see...second cousin two times removed?...Tomas. This was about the extent of their interactive play.

I looked back at one point (after the long stop) and this is what I saw:

Just chillin' with her legs crossed. We are VERY blessed that she is such a good car rider. At this point we had been on the road for about 11 hours. Note the big smile that she is still sporting.
And these last two are a couple of pictures of the beautiful sunset/dusk that we got to witness when we got to Deary and turned South. God's creation is beautiful!

[Note: Yes, I did take the pictures while I was driving down the road.
Note #2: I don't text while I'm driving.
Note #3: I lucked out with the pictures of her. Just aimed without looking and got lucky not once but twice!]