Friday, February 26, 2010

Too hip for words

Saturday, February 20, 2010


While dressing Etta the other day...

Mommy: Etta, what shoes would you like to wear?

Etta: Boots!

Mommy: These boots?

Etta: Jim! Jim! Molly! Molly!

Mommy: You want to wear your boots from Aunt Molly and Uncle Jim?

Etta: Yes!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Born card player

Whenever we are together with my folks we always try to get at least a few games of pinochle in. My mom likes to yell at Bob and we just have an overall good time. This past weekend Etta was finally big enough to "join" us at the table. Hopefully she doesn't take after her mommy and try to eat the poker chips!

How many chips do ya need?


One of her favorite games was when Baba Eddie would put the chips back into the container. Etta would then say, "No Baba!" and take them out as fast as she could. Pretty fun to watch too. Good thing Baba is so patient!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sick Girl

The last few weeks Etta has been fighting a cold off and on. She will get a fever for a few days with a runny nose and then it will go away. Last Friday she wanted to watch "VV" with "banky" and "meow". How could I resist?

Watching one of her "Little People" videos. Her favorite.

Sick eyes.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pajama Story Time

Every other Tuesday we try to make it up to the public library for pajama story time. Tonight was "Grandparents Night" and Baba Steve came along to hang with Etta. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures. But it was a lot of fun.

Two weeks ago though, Etta was the ONLY kid at story time. Yep, the only one. She sat much better and focused really well when there weren't any other kids around.

Imagine that.

Totally in to the story.

[Check the hair close up. She pretty much REFUSES to let me comb it. And she wears a hat all the time, so it's really a losing battle I think...]

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

We got to spend Valentine's Day/weekend with Grandma Cindy (yes, she actually said it today - after they left) and Baba Eddie. But we were so busy all weekend we didn't get many pictures. Here are the traditional just-before-leaving shots.

Waiting for the photo shoot to begin. It was approximately 60 degrees or something but Etta demanded her hat and heavy jacket! She wanted her mittens too but we said no!

Waiting for Baba. Getting "love" from Grandma.

Say cheese!

Could you PLEASE look at mommy?

Okay, that is pretty close.

Do you think that she was about done?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Silliness in general

I always ALWAYS have my camera in the diaper bag.

Just in case.

And good thing that I had it on Sunday.

Before "Little Church" we have an hour of play time during music team practice. So much fun for all of the kids.

Hmmmmmm, should I be worried that Jonah *already* has Etta back in a corner?

Trying for more of a posed shot (less nose picking). "Cheeeeeeeeeeese!"

Noah was feeling left out. "Please Aunt Emily? Please take my picture too Aunt Emily?" How could I say no to that? Especially with how it turned out.

(They really wanted Etta to stay in the picture. She had had just about enough photo shoot by that time.)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Grandma Cathy pulled out some of the toys that Bob had when he was little.

Etta is totally into her Fischer Price "Little People" barn that Grandma Barb got her for Christmas. AND totally into Sesame Street on the "VV". So it really wasn't a surprise when she LOVED the Sesame Street Clubhouse with all of its Little People.

Thanks Gran!

Look Daddy! This is SO fun!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Playin' with the big girls

On Wednesday mornings Etta and I go to Bob's school so that I can accompany his choir.

The 5th grade girls (well, all the kids actually...) LOVE Etta. Last Wednesday they offered to set up all of the Orff instruments so that Bob wouldn't have to do it. (They are super helpful girls.)

They decided to have a little jam session. Guess who wants to be a big girl?