Two years ago Etta was in her
first race. As a passenger. Last Saturday she was in her first
race. It was free, but there was a huge line of people and I didn't think that the college students doing the registration would appreciate me filling out a form for a 2-year old and having to put a timing chip on her shoe. Oh well. There will be a lot of chances for races in the years to come.
The race two years ago was my first post-Etta. But Christine and I actually ran it. All 4.65 miles of it. This time we
walked it as a family. The two-mile. And what was I thinking most of the time? "Haven't we gone a mile yet? This
has to be farther than two miles".
Am I the same person of two half and one full marathon of last summer? And I was SORE the next day. Wow. Have I got a ways to go until the Portland half next October. And the Chelanman Sprint Tri in July. Having pregnancy "recovery" be during the winter is going to be a bit difficult. But we have started going to the gym. Up to twice a week! And slowly increasing as time goes by. It will come back. I know it will.
Back to the star of this post. Etta was
very excited for this race. "Just like mommy!" And she was quite disappointed she didn't get "for MY shoe, mommy!" and "Where's MY number?" I am hoping that this will instill a life long love of activity in her.
She had been practicing her running. Around and around the dining room table. And when we got there she did run.
For about 50 yards.
"Up on da stroller mommy".
Just fine with me. She gave it a shot!
Waiting to register. Etta up on her sweet ride.

Playing at the playground between registration and the start of the race.

The big finish. She finished strong. And there were people who took note and were cheering on the "baby".

Miss Mae who slept from the time we left home until we got
back home.

Etta wearing my race number after we got home. It's now her "race shirt".