Friday, February 4, 2011

Buried Alive!!

Etta needs a looooooooooooong list of items to go to sleep. Some nights we can't see the girl for the goods!


Team Weaver said...

I like to sleep that way too...lots of blankets and always the bear! It is about the weight of the items. Keep on sleeping good Girlie Girl! Love you, Aunt Molly

Sariah said...

Aiden used to do that at that age. He has specific Star Wars toys that had to be lined up along the edge of the headboard, then he had to have certain blankets and stuffed animals in bed with him. He's still that way, really. Parker also has certain things he MUST have in bed with him (although he ditches all of it to come sleep with Mom and Dad). Dallin, however, throws everything extra off his bed. He wants his pillow, his quilt, and his special Little Blanket (he can't suck his thumb or sleep without it), and that's it.