Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First Trip to Deary!

Today we made our first trip to Deary. For those of you who don't know, Deary is a small town North-East of Lewiston. But when we "go to Deary" we don't go to the town, we go to a cabin just South of town. It is a cabin that Bob's grandparents put up years ago. Today we went to kind of get our feet wet with getting things together for a baby and two dogs. We roasted some hotdogs and some marshmallows. (I would have made s'mores but I forgot the chocolate!) We only stayed for a couple of hours but are already looking forward to our next visit!

I'm not quite big enough for my own lawn chair.

There, that's better.

Setting up camp.

See Montana Grandma, mommy does make me wear a hat!

It's cool in the shade and daddy had to improvise.

Don't forget the puppies!

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