Tuesday, December 30, 2008

8th Month Annibirthery

A couple of days late...From as close as I can figure from our scale, which gets harder and harder to use the bigger and more mobile she gets, she weighs just about 18 pounds. That would be TRIPLE the birth weight already. She has two teeth poking through, army crawls every where, likes to sit in the bathtub and bend way over, stick her face in and slurp up the water, is eating like a champ and enjoys the occasional Cheerio, makes raspberries with her lips and uses her tongue in the same way. Of course she discovered that sound at church last Sunday during Matt's opening prayer. (Sorry Matt.) We are truly enjoying our time with Etta and look forward to what is going to happen next.

8 Months

In action

Family shot on her 8th Month Annibirthery

One month annibirthery = two squares long // 8 months = 3 square.

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