So I know that the transition to a "new" baby will be a little...different. We know quite a few people having babies right now so I am going to embrace the opportunity to introduce Etta to as many tiny babies as possible. Today we were going to go visit new baby Emlyn, a brand new (day old) baby of a friend from Jenifer.
Mommy: Etta, do you want to go to the hospital to see a baby?
Etta: NO see baby sister!!
Mommy: Not your baby sister, Gillian's baby sister.
Etta: Oh, Gillian's baby sister? Okay, go see baby.
At least it's not a thing against ALL babies I guess...
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I think I was that way with Amy but not Bob. Very similar to Aunt Molly! Good luck, Em!!!
That is the funniest response. I love it! :)
Aiden was not interested at ALL the entire time I was pregnant with Dallin. We would talk about his baby brother coming and he would walk away. (Keep in mind he was TWO!) We would ask him if he wanted to feel the baby kicking, or talk to the baby. He'd say "NO!" and leave. We had him pick out a toy to bring to the new baby, but he wanted nothing to do with anything that had to do with a new baby.
Until Dallin was born. Aiden saw Dallin the first time and was obsessed. He wanted to help dress Dallin and hold him all the time. He wanted to give all his toys to Dallin. Whenever Dallin fussed in the slightest, Aiden was there to comfort him. They are still best buds. It's adorable.
Just letting you know... there's hope. :)
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