On Thursday the girls & I went to lunch at McGhee. This is the principal, Greg, decked out. I thought it would be a good intro pic.
Our good friend Casey McNett's band.
Our good friend Casey. He's on the left. In the kilt. And if you look carefully & closely at the above pic you will see that his kids march in kilts. God put him there for a reason!
All of the bands on the field for rehearsal.
The start of half-time.
The Mexican dancers that joined the band for this show.
The end of the half-time show with the alum band in the "front". They are the row of yellow across the top of the pic. See if you can find Bob!
Our good friend Katee McCormick. She's a UI Boner just like I was!! We love Katee & are super proud of her.
After we got home we realized we hadn't gotten a family shot. Set up the tripod and there you go. I think I am going to need to set that up a bit more...