Mae is still not crawling. Which I'm pretty okay with. I started putting her in the walker early - at about four months - because she needed to be completely upright and straight as a board as much as she could. (Both her personal preference and me trying to combat spit up. I didn't win that battle...) So she is really really good at motoring around in her walker and pretty much getting to wherever she wants to be.
That means that she hasn't spent as much time on the floor as she probably should. She can sit up just fine and play with stuff around her. She is starting to figure out how to kind of wiggle around, turning this way then that to get to different places while staying in sitting position. She has also kind of figured out that she can go from sitting into laying - but this usually involves bonking of the head and crying.
And she knows that she wants to get to different places. There are usually more fun things happening in different places than she is. So she finally gets herself in position, picks a destination...and proceeds to push herself backwards...Oh boy, does that create one ticked off baby. Which in turn makes her try harder - and go back further. Not a fun game at this point.
In addition to this she has one thing (well, a lot of "things") that Etta never had at this age: Toys that make noise. But they are a life saver for me. She will keep herself entertained for hours (okay, minutes) as long as she has something that will make noise when she pokes at it.
After a lot of background story we get to this:
I caught her up on her knees one day checking out the singing chair.
What mommy? Isn't this what the big kids do?
Boy, was I surprised. I would prefer some kind of real crawling to happen before she pulls up and starts motoring around.
And not to be left out...
"Mommy, take MY picture too!!"
"Lemme see! Lemme see! Lemme see!"