Tuesday, July 19, 2011

10...1/2...month annibirthery

Those poor second children...never as on the spot with things as I was with #1. But Mae is still not 11 months old yet, so I figure I am pretty good to go.

She is a VERY happy baby most of the time.

And she went from an unstable sitting blob to a crawling machine in the three weeks that we were in Montana.

And now has her own special lovey in her Minnie Mouse. Today I asked Etta what kind of a birthday cake she thought Mae would like. "A Minnie Cake mommy!". And I think that is right on.

We put Mae on a produce scale on her actual 10 month annibirthery and she weighed about 18 lbs. Still hanging right on and very "healthy". She is crawling everywhere, pulling herself up and even standing for a few seconds at a time without holding on to anything. All very exciting. Tonight for dinner she ate whole, cooked green beans. Hard to believe that in just six short weeks she will be one!

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