The men's winner completed the marathon in 2 hours and 33 minutes. Holy cow. The man who crossed the finish line last completed the marathon in 8 hours and 45 minutes. He is currently in the middle of intense chemotherapy for prostate cancer. He has been taking treatments for the last 5 months. We ran with a 74-year old man who has completed over 200 marathons and 60 ultra marathons (longer than 30 miles) and had prostate work 8 weeks ago. We chatted with a man who had just completed the Honolulu Marathon. He had been walking with a 90 year old woman from Oregon who was trying to break the world record for 90 year old women. She had to be pulled from the race at 24 miles. We ran aside other people experiencing their first marathon, chatted with a woman who was running her 7th, saw many people who were "50-staters". They have completed a marathon in all 50 states. Some also had done Washington D. C. and all the Canadian provinces. Others were working toward that goal. Anyone can do it. Even you!
All in all it was an incredible experience. One that I would not trade for anything. I would like to do another (or maybe more) but do not have one on my current calendar. I recommend adding it to your "bucket list". Finish time does not need to matter. There can only be one winner, but anyone can finish.
Crossing the bridge after the flat beginning and long hill. First time I had seen Bob and Etta during the race. I was very excited! From left to right: Jim, Christine, Emily.
Coming into mile 17ish. Approaching Cynthia who was very good with the camera.
Thanks mom! She said, "You can't hug me because I'll cry." She was right.
Etta enjoying some down time at the park waiting for mommy. You can see some runners in the back.
Crossing the finish line. My "official" time.
Jim, Christine and I with our finisher's medals.
Christine and I enjoying our moment together. If you looked at our finish picture from our half marathon you may notice that we are wearing the exact. same. clothes. that we are in this picture. When you find what works, stick with it!
It was amazing! I am still over the moon about the whole thing!
Not sure if I sent this already but...I say...Just reading your blog and description and looking at pictures makes me cry! And gives me goosebumps. I know I will not be running a marathon but it is very inspiring to say the least. GREAT job Emily and your friend Christine and anyone else who attempts that!
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