While staying at the cabin in Missoula for the marathon Etta spent a good chunk of time (a couple of times) lining up all of the little boys' shoes (none of the adults mind you) on the window sill. She would methodically crawl to the shoes, get two, stand up next to the wall, walk the shoes to the window sill and put them in a row. She did this on a couple of different occasions. One time she switched them all from one window sill to the other. It was pretty cute.
Now that we've been home she has been doing the same thing with her shape blocks. A couple of different times. Is she OCD or is this a "neatness" girl thing? Either way it doesn't bother me, I actually really like it. Pretty funny!
Get the block
Transport the block
Put the block in the bucket.
[She put the blocks on the sill herself before taking them down.]
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