Thursday, February 5, 2009

Best Friends = Mischief

Etta is developing and changing so much every day. She cannot yet sit herself up, but can pull up - on everything.

The dogs were poking their noses through the bars of Etta's crib so she could poke at them and I was going to stand her up and take a picture but thought that that would be cheating. So I just left her in her crib and went to get the camera. Low and behold, by the time I got back she was standing. By then the dogs weren't really cooperating anymore, but I think that you can get the general idea. They are going to make quite the trio in just a couple of months I think!

Here doggy, doggy, doggy!

Watch me mommy!

Can you maybe jump higher?

Mmmmmmmmmm, tasty.

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