Friday, November 12, 2010


Sleeping and babies. Do the two really go together? For the first six weeks of her life Mae had to be held and/or lay on somebody to sleep. Usually that pleasure fell to me. Don't get me wrong, having a beautiful newborn to cuddle with isn't awful. But when you haven't "slept through the night" in a bed for oh, about three months, you start to go a little crazy.

So this:

was a big deal.

When we got home from Spokane I fed Mae and then we put her on the floor to stretch out.

And she feel asleep.

By herself.


And we left her there and got ready and went to bed. It didn't last long, but it was a start.

And the next day I decided to take the plunge and let her cry it out in various locations. Ie: the pack 'n' play, the crib and the bassinet. It wasn't too bad and we got this:

And now she has been getting up once at either 1:30 or 2:30 to eat, goes back to bed in the crib in the girls' room, wakes up at about 5:45 and lays on me to sleep for another couple of hours. I am getting much better sleep and can fully enjoy this snuggle time that I know will be gone sooner than I would like.

1 comment:

Joellyn said...

Ahhh, that elusive thing called sleep! Just when I feel like we are making progress, Eva gets a cold and we are right back to square one. Oh well, I'll think of you at 3 in the morning and send good sleep wishes your way :) I hope Mae's progress continues in the right direction.