Sunday, November 7, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Since U of I Homecoming was on Halloween last year we did not go trick or treating. So this year it was a whole new experience. Even after a few houses I don't think Etta quite understood what was going on. But that was okay with me as we only did about eight houses and were done. And she didn't even mind.

Our first stop was Great Grandma Barb's.

Etta wondering what the heck is going on.

Well, who do we have here?

Candy for me? Really?!

When Etta went by this window she noticed sports on the TV (the World Series). She started yelling "Football!! They're watching football!"

Then to Grandma Cathy's for stew and pie.

1 comment:

Team Weaver said...

So darn cute!!! She will totally get it next year! Love that Mother Dear has had the same bib for over 20 years!