Monday, October 12, 2009

Little Chef: Part II

So - since we had so much fun putting her in an apron - we decided it would be even more fun to actually let her help us cook. And while it does take both of us so that Etta can "help" it is actually pretty fun. She very much likes to experiment with tastes and textures of *everything* that goes in the bowl. I guess that if we are the only ones eating what is coming out of the bowl, it's okay. And out of the bowl that night? Pumpkin pancakes. They were yummy!

Helping dad add ingredients into the bowl

Flour is okay

Mixing, mixing, mixing

I'm dirty - it must mean that I am helping

Look! I can help peel and slice the apples, too!

[Thanks to Montana Grandma for giving me this apron. I know that there will be many more to come. Can't wait to help you cook Grandma!]

1 comment:

Christine said...

Full of talent! I love trying what she "cooks" up in the play room at the toy kitchen... ;o)